Master of Hyperborean Wisdom

The Mystery of Hyperborean Wisdom
Fundamentals of Hyperborean Wisdom
Secret History of Thulegesellschaft
Fragments of an SS Psychosocial Strategy
Knowledge is Power
Greey “Ray” (gruner blitz): “It will be difficult for anyone to imagine the marvelous spectacle of the Gral descending into the seven hells. Perhaps if one thinks of a Green Beam, of blinding brilliance and a gnostic influence upon the viewer, before whom the Demons turn their ferocious faces, frozen with fright; a Beam that, like the reaping blade of an invincible Sword, goes tearing through the four hundred thousand worlds of Deception, seeking the heart of the enemy; a flying green serpent that bears between its teeth the Fruit of the Truth, denied and hidden until then; if one thinks on the beam, on the sword, on the fruit, on the Serpent, perhaps it is thus possible to intuit what occurred at that crucial moment when the Truth was placed within reach of the captive Spirits. Yes, because since the Gral was seated upon the Rune of Gold, the Tree of Science was planted within reach of those who, completely confused, were living in Hell believing to inhabit a Paradise. From now on they would be able to eat of its fruit and their eyes would be open!” -Nimrod de Rosario